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Showing posts from October, 2018

These 4 Speedy Plants Move Faster Than We Can See with the Naked Eye - Science in the News

Venus flytrap      Photo Credit: Beatrice Murch/Wikimedia Commons By Amber Bennett When you think about plants moving, you likely think of the phrase "like watching the grass grow." Although the motion of plants growing is rather slow, some plants can move faster than we can see with the naked eye. Venus Flytrap When you think of a fast-moving plant, you likely picture the Venus flytrap . The flytrap's leaves can snap together within a tenth of a second to capture food. Bunchberry Dogwood The stamens of the bunchberry dogwood flip outward at a force of 2,400 g's to spread pollen in the wind. That's an acceleration of 2,400 times the earth's gravity! For comparison's sake, a fighter pilot can take only about 9 g's before passing out. Science News/YouTube Bladderworts Some aquatic varieties of bladderworts have underwater sacs on their stalks to capture mosquito larva and other prey. They can capture their prey in around a thousandth...